- Teacher: Moodle Admin
Available courses
- Teacher: Md. Asif Hossain
- Teacher: Asif Hossain
- Teacher: Md. Shak Forid
- Teacher: Md. Shak Forid
- Teacher: Moodle Admin
- Teacher: SM Shafiul Alam
This course focuses on the basics of urban design and planning theories, methods and development of urban spaces through history; principles and techniques. Analysis of urban physical pattern; contemporary concepts & trends; The inter-relationship between key urban activities in the urban planning process.

- Teacher: Maisha Durdana Mogna

- Teacher: Rana Das
- Teacher: Moodle Admin
- Teacher: Md. Shak Forid
- Teacher: Md. Shak Forid
- Teacher: Md. Shak Forid
- Teacher: Md. Shak Forid

- Teacher: Rukaia Islam
- Teacher: SM Shafiul Alam

- Teacher: Rukaia Islam
- Teacher: SM Shafiul Alam
- Teacher: Rifat Parveen Bokhari

- Teacher: Ms. Parul Akhter
This course helps students build the proficiency
needed to succeed in today’s technologically enhanced workplace by focusing on
the development of professional oral and written communication skills. Students
will improve: memo, letter, email, writing and presentation skills and the
ability to effectively participate in and chair meetings. Students will also
develop skills in resume writing and study the strategies and techniques needed
for success in interviews.

- Teacher: Ms. Sabreya Khanom Zuma
- Teacher: Md. Mahmudul Hasan Sagar
- Teacher: Philip Uys

- Teacher: Mr. Md. Hafez
- Teacher: m test
- Teacher: Md. Mahfujur Rahman
- Teacher: m test
This course will introduce economic analysis of aggregate employment,
income, and prices. Topics include major schools of economic thought; aggregate
supply and demand; economic measures, fluctuations, and growth; money and
banking; stabilization techniques; and international trade. Upon completion,
students should be able to evaluate national economic components, conditions,
and alternatives for achieving socioeconomic goals.

- Teacher: Ms. Rownak Jahan
- Teacher: Md. Mahfujur Rahman
- Teacher: m test
- Teacher: Rasheda Akter Rupa
- Teacher: Ms. Rownak Jahan
- Teacher: Md. Shak Forid
- Teacher: Md. Shak Forid
- Teacher: Md. Shak Forid
- Teacher: Md. Shak Forid
This is an introductory course for computer programming. The basics of
programming and how digital computers work is covered in this course. Students
will start learning programming with C programming language and develop their
logic for problem solving.
- Teacher: Ashek Seum
- Teacher: Dr. Md. Masum Billah
- Teacher: Dr. Mohammad Shafiul Alam
- Teacher: Mohammad Imrul Jubair
- Teacher: Mohammad Imrul Jubair
- Teacher: Dr. Md. Zaman Molla
- Teacher: Dr. Samar Kumar Guha
- Teacher: Siyam Quddus Khan
- Teacher: Dr. Md. Shahnewaz Bhuiyan
- Teacher: Dr. Md. Shahnewaz Bhuiyan
- Teacher: Dr. Md. Shahnewaz Bhuiyan
- Teacher: Raqeebir Rab
- Teacher: Raqeebir Rab
- Teacher: Nasima Sultana
- Teacher: Nasima Sultana
This is an advance course on Internal Combustion Engine offered to fourth year first semester students.

- Teacher: Md. Arif Mahmud Shuklo Shoshe
- Teacher: Hasib Md. Abid Bin Farid
- Teacher: Dr. Md. Zaman Molla
- Teacher: Md. Asif Hossain
- Teacher: Asif Hossain

- Teacher: Md. Adnan Quaium
- Teacher: Jakaria Rahimi